Mission of YBSE Pre-Flight Inc (aka Pre-Flight)

The Pre-Flight Initiative (alias Pre-Flight), founded in May 2009, is principally an academic adventure based on principals of flight that brings science, technology, engineering and math to life.  Youth’s excitement and energy are promptly engaged in building individual and team competencies that exercise critical thinking.  Youths are exposed to investigating and testing hypotheses which are required for flight development and daily living. Routine doses of extended engagements challenge youths to plan, communicate, navigate and transfer new skills from their experiences into new outcomes. Outcomes include: elevated self-esteem, increased sensitivity towards others, improved time management, greater appreciation for STEM academic challenges and more.

Middle Students inspecting the cockpit with a Certified Flight Instructor, Compliments WIFA & MCPS
Middle Students inspecting the cockpit with a Certified Flight Instructor, Compliments WIFA & MCPS

The spectrum of field activities are related to studies in the classrooms leading to academic trajectories for students to cover principles of physics, calculus and include applications addressing the environment, weather phenomena, sciences, human safety and medical aspects of flight. Throughout the process, students will engage in three stages of flight to include team cooperation to pursue formation skills and compete throughout their stages of development.

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STEM Manifest (Science Technology Engineering Math)